
Certified professional

SysML model builder

Requeriments engineer

Master Eng.

Prince2 Project Management

Prince2 Agile
Tailored Systems Engineering Services
What do we have for your project?
We offer on-demand, low-cost Systems Engineering methodologies and solutions, strictly tailored for your system, and both for new and already started Projects.
Your ally for the challenging stages in complex technical systems development.
When to contact us
- Technical complexity already overflowed
- Pre defined Strategy: Outsourced Systems Engineering
- Lack of: Time, People or Technical Know How.
- Intuition: “something is wrong” – prior to technical complexity overflow
At Caucel Systemics we believe and know that the most complete way of understanding the world is through holistic & systemic lenses.
Low time-to-dollar price
Results focused
Team players
Certified System Engineers
Full customer owned IP
Low Project overhead introduction
Highly specialized Network of professionals.
Helping customers to understand processes and drive out waste (Lean SE)
Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) Implementation & Transition Plans
Utility Driven Design
What can we do together? What can we do for you?
- Systems Engineering as a Service: we deliver a broad type of tasks and deliverables (see life cycles: Waterfall / Agile).
- SysML: On-Demand Systems modelling done by certified professionals.
- Systems-Archetype diagrams: valuable sources for sociotechnical systems analysis.
- MBSE: successful implementation of Model Based Systems Engineering visions.
- Lean SE: assistance in understanding in-house processes and driving out waste.
- MDAO: deployment and leverage of Multi-disciplinary Analysis and Optimization.
- Systems Engineering Coaching: helping change company culture.
- One-shot Surgical Precision strategies: analysis for critical situations through dynamic and precise actions.
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Choose your project profile:
Tech Start Ups: Spiral Life Cycle
Uncertainty, high speed & acceleration, incremental «build & test»
Large Technical Projects:
Aerospace, Renewable Energies, ONGs, Electromedicine, Oil & Gas (+ others)
How do we usually work?
Tête a tête or Full outsourced.
From scratch or based on existing work.
Document analysis, coaching, In Situ Visits.
SoW based work packages with specified deliverables, resources and timelines.
Deliverables: Tasks, Documents, System Models (SysML), Simulations, Engineering Reviews with certified professionals, others.
Invoicing: Hour / Day / Flat Monthly

Obeo is a recognized leader in providing MBSE solutions leveraging the Capella open-source tool, offering collaborative solutions through a wide range of commercial add-ons as well as professional services for adapting and integrating Capella, unlocking its full potential, and facilitating efficient MBSE deployment across organizations.
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Who we are
We are a highly specialized network that enables us to co-create solutions for your Company no matter if it is a startup or a highly developed organization. Helping customers to fully understand technical options before taking decisions through qualifying and quantifying problems and solutions.

Eng. Adrián Unger
Caucel Systemics Chief Systems Engineer
Adrian has been leading aerospace-systems developments and satellite information-based solutions since 2007. He graduated from Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, USA), with a master's degree in Applied Systems Engineering. In the past, he graduated as an electronics engineer (field of study: automatic control) and chemistry technician (field of study: biotechnology). He also holds a postgraduate degree in Fine Arts and participates as a volunteer in the Dialogical Pactices Network. In addition, he is a professor of Space Systems Engineering and Space Avionics Systems in the Space Systems Engineering program at the University of San Martín, located in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Eng. Adrián Unger
Caucel Systemics Chief Systems Engineer
- Teléfono:+54 9 11 5707-5141
- Correo electrónico:adrianu@caucelsystemics.com